Radio Reaches 95% of Australian’s every week.

It’s flexible – you can change your message within hours and it’s affordable – radio commercial production from $150+GST

Unlike TV, radio ads are non skippable. You can’t hit the fast forward button AND now more than ever more Australian’s are tuning in via their smart phones and google connected devices.

to know more on how it can benefit your brand and your business, here are what some radio advertising agency experts have to say.

Top Form of Audio Entertainment

For years, radio has remained as a powerful medium especially for building brands. Advertisers continue to support it as a marketing platform because of its expanded reach. It is widely recognised as a consistent provider of positive results for marketers and is a positive source of lasting engagement with listeners.

Based on reach alone, radio advertising can already result in a significant number of sales conversions. According to a study, this medium can reach up to 95 percent of Aussies weekly. In a separate research, it was found that more than 13.7 million Aussies living in the metropolitan capital cities listen to the radio weekly. If you want to make radio advertising a part of your media marketing plan, contact any leading media services in your area to know the best radio advertising rates.

Very Informative and Entertaining

Listeners just can’t get enough of radio shows because they are highly informative and entertaining. It is also highly accessible and easily creates emotional ties with audiences of all ages. In fact a research in 2019 found that radio is still the most listened to audio entertainment platform among Aussies. To know more about the power of radio advertising, contact your local media services and inquire about their radio advertising costs.

Radio advertising can be very effective because people still listen to the radio even if they are doing something else. For example, some individuals love to listen to the radio either for news or for music while eating their breakfast. Others love to listen while exercising or doing some housework. There are also people who love to listen while browsing the internet or just for relaxing during their downtime.

Can Influence People’s Decision to Buy or Invest in Real Estate

Listening to the radio can somehow influence people in their decisions to invest, purchase or rent properties. In a recent study, a majority of respondents expressed interest in participating in open houses if the events are to be hosted by a local radio network. More importantly, almost half of the respondents also mentioned that their decisions have been influenced by radio in one way or another. For a better understanding of how radio advertising can benefit your brand or business, contact any local radio advertising agency for more details.